
Provincial Director of Education




Planning Branch

   Mr. K.P.N. Premasiri
   (Additional Provincial Director of Education)

   E-mail -
   Telephone (Office) - 011-2678398   Fax - 0011-2678398
   Telephone (Mobile) - 071-4967844

Staff Officers

   Mr. Prabath Withanage
   (Deputy Director of Education - Planning)

   E-mail -
   Telephone (Office) - 011-2678395   Fax - 011-2662425
   Telephone (Mobile) - 071-8617295/ 077-2602845

Duties of Planning Branch

  • Reconstruction programme of 5000 primary schools and thousands secondary schools in order to fulfil knowledge centred development of future Sri Lanka according to Mahinda Chinthana manifesto.
  • Structural activities of schools in western province (increasing parallel classes, changing of name, starting new classes, closing schools, re-opening, school amalgamation uplifting provincial schools to national school standards.
  • Activating Western Provincial Teacher Management Information System. T-MIS
  • Preparing information using census data and giving it to relevant parties.
  • Activities of Education Management Information System. – EMIS
  • Preparing recurrent action plan
  • Implementing project under world bank funds – 2012 – 2016 – Transforming the School Education System as the foundation of knowledge Hub Project (TSEP)
  • Keeping records of meetings.
  • Staff board reviewal
  • Teacher particulars (proper deployment of teachers)
  • Preparing duty list of staff officers in the department and delegating duties.
  • Local and foreign training programmes of Education Administrative officers and matters related to overseas scholarships.

Thirasara School Program

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